Stock Data

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Basic Information

  • Securities code


  • Securities exchange

    Tokyo Stock Exchange

  • Number of stock units


  • Fiscal year

    From Apr. 1 of each year to Mar. 31 of the following year

  • Annual shareholders meeting

    Late Jun.

  • Use of general meeting rights

    Mar. 31

  • Stockholder settlement date

    Mar. 31

  • Dividends of surplus

    Mar. 31

  • Interim dividend

    Sep. 30

  • Stockholder payment settlement date

    Sep. 30

  • Administrator of the shareholder registry

    Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation

  • Special Account management institution

    Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation

  • Contact Information

    Transfer Agent Department, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
    1-1 , Nikkouchou, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo
    Telephone: 81-3-6701-5000
    Zip code: 137-8081

  • Method of public notice

    By way of electronic public notice published on “Our website” (Japanese).
    (However, if it is impossible to issue a public notice electronically due to an accident or other unavoidable reason, the public notice is published in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, which is published in Tokyo.)

Status of Shares(End of Mar. 2024)

  • Total number of shares that can be issued


  • Total number of shares already issued


  • Number of shareholders


Distribution of Shareholders(End of Mar. 2024)

Type of Shareholder Number of Shares held(shares) Percentage of Share Ownership(%)
Financial Institutions 5,376,381 18.75
Financial Instruments Business Operator 379,311 1.32
Other Companies 9,144,698 31.89
Foreign Companies, etc. 3,298,517 11.50
Individuals / Others 8,291,888 28.91
Treasury Stocks 2,187,691 7.63

Status of Major Shareholders(End of Mar. 2024)

Name of shareholder Number of shares held (1000 shares) Percentage of Share Ownership(%)
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 2,463 9.3
Hikari Tsushin K. K 2,072 7.8
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 2,066 7.8
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 1,556 5.8
UH Partners 2 , Inc. 1,380 5.2
Tokyo Energy & Systems Inc. 961 3.6
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 535 2.0
Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company 500 1.8
Takuma Co., Ltd. 500 1.8
Fujita Corporation 500 1.8

Note: The shareholder equity ratio was calculated after deducting treasury shares (2,187,691 shares).