Medium-term Management Plan

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Our company has started the medium-term management plan ” T-ScaleUp2027 -Entering new domains for a green future-” for the four years from FY2023 to FY2026.
The plan is positioned as the final stage of the 10-year period up to FY2026, the 80th anniversary of our founding, which was designed in 2018.
The title of the plan, “ScaleUp,” conveys the message of expanding the business not only our scale, but also our scope. The subtitle “Entering new domains for a green future” expresses our vision to develop our business areas and take on the challenge of model innovation for a green future such as CO2 reduction.

Positioning of Medium-term Management Plan

Positioning of Medium-term Management Plan

Framework of Medium-term Management Plan

Framework of Medium-term Management Plan

Quantitative Targets

Quantitative Targets

Priority Strategies (Core 5)

Priority Strategies (Core 5)