Code of Conduct for Sustainability

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  1. Tokyo Sangyo Co., Ltd.
    Code of Conduct for Sustainability
  2. Material Issues (Materiality) for Sustainability
    Management at Tokyo Sangyo Co., Ltd.
  3. Specific Initiatives for Sustainability

  1. Tokyo Sangyo Co., Ltd. 
    Code of Conduct for Sustainability

    By implementing sustainability management, the Tokyo Sangyo Group will achieve sustainable growth and uphold our corporate philosophy of “Trust and Contribution.”
    As part of this, we will actively promote initiatives for achieving the SDGs and aim to establish a position as a general machinery trading company with strengths in environment and energy by flexibly adapting to the rapidly changing business environment.
    Specifically, we will implement measures to address the material issues (materiality) identified by our Board of Directors for sustainability management. We will also appropriately disclose our targets and initiatives related to sustainability management to fulfill our accountability to various stakeholders.

  2. Material Issues (Materiality)
    for Sustainability Management at
    Tokyo Sangyo Co., Ltd.

    Our Board of Directors has identified the material issues (materiality) for sustainability management below based on our Code of Conduct for Sustainability.

    Material issues

    • Initiatives to realize a green society through business activities
    • Enhancing corporate governance
  3. Specific Initiatives for Sustainability

    We are implementing specific measures to address the above material issues (materiality) through the five growth strategies (Core Five) set forth in our medium-term management plan, T-ScaleUp 2027. See the “Relationship between the Core Five and Materiality” below for details. In addition, we have appointed a Chief Sustainability Officer to promote and oversee initiatives to address sustainability issues and established a Sustainability Promotion Team to execute the work. The Chief Sustainability Officer regularly reports to the Board of Directors on the status of the Company’s sustainability management.

    *Incorporate active response to diverse work styles in harmony with society into enhancing corporate governance