Tokyo Sangyo Co., Ltd. is committed to promoting sustainability management aligned with our Corporate Philosophy and medium-term management plan under our Code of Conduct for Sustainability and Human Resources Policy to achieve sustainable growth and enhance the corporate value of the Group.
- Tokyo Sangyo Co., Ltd. Human Resources Policy
- Human Resources Policy
The Tokyo Sangyo Group recognizes that our people are our assets. Accordingly, we seek to build a robust organization that continues to grow. We are actively executing human capital investments based on the three pillars of early development, globalization, and multi-talent development of human resources.
Defining diversity and work style reform as material issues related to human resources, we aim to create innovation and ultimately improve our corporate value by respecting our employees’ diversity and human rights based on our Corporate Philosophy. We will also vigorously promote the establishment of an environment conducive to diverse work styles, internal digital transformation (DX), and the creation of healthy workplaces.
- Initiatives Based on our Human Resources Policy
- (1) Human resources development
The priority issues in human resources development are early development, globalization, and multi-talent development. We aim to improve employee skills and secure their employment.
Early development
- Enhancement of education and training programs
- Early promotion of high performers
- Active promotion of high-level mid-career personnel
- Enhancement of educational program for improving language skills
- Increasing the percentage of foreign employees in the Group
- Education of young employees through overseas assignments
Multi-talent development
- Forming of cross-departmental task forces
- Proactive allocation and transfer of the right people to the right positions
- Implementation of an incentive program for acquiring qualifications
- (2)Diversity and work style reform
To promote diversity and work style reform, we have established the goals below to be achieved by our 80th anniversary in 2027 and will implement various measures to achieve them.
- Goal 1:Average percentage of female career-track employees among new graduate hires of at least 20%
- Actively showcase the activities of female career-track employees in recruitment activities when hiring for career-track positions
- Promote the creation of workplaces where it is easy to take maternity leave and childcare leave
- Goal 2:Aim to promote women, foreign nationals, and mid-career hires to managerial positions in the Group, achieving percentages of 10%, 10%, and 25%, respectively
- To accelerate the promotion of women to managerial positions, we have solicited applicants to transition from general positions to career-track positions, aiming to increase the number of female career-track employees who are candidates for managerial positions. By April 2023, several women had been reassigned. By regularly executing reassignments, we will increase the number of women in career-track positions and create an atmosphere so that we can promote women to managerial positions.
- Goal 3: Achieve a paid leave utilization rate of at least 70%
- Thoroughly raise internal awareness of the target utilization rate
- Foster a culture of recharging where managers take the lead in utilizing paid leave
- Goal 4:Create a working environment where employees can play an active role with peace of mind
- Continue to use a combination of staggered work hours and telecommuting
- Introduced a new system in April 2022 (new personnel evaluation system and flexible working hours)
- Expansion of employees who work shorter hours for childcare and those who are eligible for nursing care leave to those who are raising children up to the third grade of elementary school
- (1) Human resources development